Sector-6, Heera Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur - 302020
CBSE Affiliation No.: 1730168, School Code: 10521
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Rules Of The School

  1. No leave of absence is granted except on a written application from parent or guardian and then only for serious reasons. The leave must be entered on the 'Leave Record' page of the diary and must be duly signed by the Principal before it is taken. A student taking leave without permission of the Principal may be dismissed from the school forthwith.
  2. If a student is absent due to sickness, the Principal must be informed at once. When a student who has been absent for any reason returns to school, he / she must bring the reason, duly entered on the 'Attendance Leave Record' page of the diary signed by the parents or guardians otherwise the student will be refused admission and sent home. In this case the school disclaims all responsibility.
  3. Students not returning punctually to school after the holidays are liable to have their names struck off the roll.
  4. In order to help the students to have better interaction with all other students their sections are changed every year. This is done as per the discretion of the principal, which is final and no change in section will be made on request.
  5. No boy/girl who has been absent from school, or who misses the first period of the first or second session will be admitted to class unless he/she brings a written excuse from home.
  6. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student. Students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school. Hence, misbehaviour in public streets and conveyance is liable to dismissal.
  7. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed.
  8. All kinds of damages done to the School premises will have to be made good.
  9. At the 'first bell' i.e. five minutes before the assembly all must take their allotted places. Here the prayers before class will be said after which all go in silence to their respective classrooms.
  10. No books, newspapers or periodicals or comics may be brought into the school premises without the Principal's sanction.
  11. Mobiles are strictly prohibited in school premises. Students disobeying this rule may be dismissed from the school.
  12. Students must always come in school uniform even if they do not intend to attend classes.
  13. Those who come to school without proper uniform or the school diary will be fined or sent home and marked absent.
  14. The school is not responsible for books, money, clothes, etc. lost. Students must look after their own things. It is advisable not to bring valuable articles to school.
  15. All are expected to keep the high standard of the school excelling in conduct, good manners and cleanliness both in and out of school.
  16. The diary should be brought to the school each and every day even on examination days.
  17. The parents should obtain the permission of the Principal on a written application whenever they want the child to leave the school early.
  18. A student returning to the school after an infection or contagious disease should produce a medical and fitness certificate from a doctor permitting him to attend the class.
  19. Students are expected to speak English in the school premises.
  20. Parents are expected to be co-operative with the staff in enforcing regularity and discipline by seeing that their children prepare their lessons and do their homework as shown in their diaries and by taking an active and helpful interest in the activities of the school.
  21. Parents are particularly requested to sign the progress report and other reports from teachers sent through the diaries. The students will not be admitted into class if their reports are not duly signed and the school disclaims all responsibility.
  22. Parents, guardians or other persons are not allowed to see the students or interview their teachers during school hours without the sanction of the Principal. An appointment with them should be made beforehand.
  23. Parents or guardians may be allowed to meet the teachers to discuss the matters regarding the progress of their children, questions and clarifications pertaining to academic performance and activities, only on Saturdays immediately after school gets over with prior sanction from the Principal and an appointment with the teacher be made beforehand.
  24. The Principal has the right to take disciplinary action on a student as he may deem necessary.

Sector-6, Heera Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur - 302020

Developed & Maintained by: Ajay Lobo